Monday, May 07, 2007

Herbal Obsession

Sometimes I am nuts about makeup... I know. My friends feel as though I think about makeup too often. If they only knew about my obsession with herbal products. I have this foot stuff that is to die for. I totally want all my friends to try it because it blows my socks off...... well I take my socks off to use it anyway. After a long day of work I come home and my boyfriend massages my feet with this herbal moisturizer and whamo!!!!! I am in heaven. My boyfriend is so nice to apply it for me. I need to do something extra special for him soon, if you catch my drift. Don't tell my friends about my other obsession; they tease me enough.

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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Bad Makeup

Today I had what my friends and I like to call "hung over makeup." I thought that it was a term I coined myself -- but nope, there was a blog on it. In a way, it is good to know that other girls have problems with messy cosmetics, once they hit the sheets. Once they wake up, it is a terrible terrible story. WHEN YOU FEEL LIKE CRAP, the last thing you want to do is apply new makeup when a guy is around.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Makeout Makeup

I need new makeout makeup. Ashley coined the term and I love it. Who would have thought? Makeup just for kissing?! haha. That is when the permanent (Extra stay on) Revlon matte lipstick comes into play. I think I'll get some for tomorrow's party.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Makeup at Victoria Secret

I was surprised to find that Victoria Secret actually had great makeup. I never even knew they created cosmetics for women. Everytime someone mentioned the store, I automatically thought of bras, panties, and very uncomfortable looking clothing. To my surprise they have scents and perfumes too! It is awesome. I am going there to buy everything tomorrow. ahha

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Love is not my Cup of Tea.

I have decided that I don't need men anymore. I am constantly looking for a new boyfriend, someone who will buy me a new cosmetic, or even a lip pencil. It sounds like I'm using them, I really am not. I just need excitement in life. Unfortunately, it is lacking. Plus, my best friend and I haven't been hanging out much, because she just got a new boyfriend. Why does she want the drama? All I need are a few good Victoria Secret lip glosses and a new outlook. Also, some perfect fitting jeans.

Thursday, October 05, 2006


My boyfriend broke up with me today. He claims I was flirting too much with others last night at the bars, but it wasn't my fault. My friends and I tried out to the new pheremone scented perfume and Victoria Secret lipgloss.

I guess I can proudly say that the cosmetics I bought were great purchases. ;) At least they attracted the men. Much better ones than I originally had.